The Public Service Commission is currently accepting public comments on National Grid's Long-Term Gas Plan Proceeding. Now is the time to take action and tell state regulators to prioritize climate justice laws and retire the gas system. Follow these steps to submit your comment:

  1. Enter your information below.

  2. Click "Start Writing" to compose your comment.

    • Scroll down for further information, tips, and talking points you may want to include in your comment. Feel free to copy and paste the talking points (below) or weave them into your letter explaining why you oppose any consideration of burning more fracked gas in the next 20 years.

  3. Submit your letter. It will be sent directly to the decision-makers as part of the public record.


Thousands of climate activists across the state have been fighting for our government to implement the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

However, on August 15, 2024, the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) made a decision that went against the public interest and our climate laws, favoring a UK-based gas corporation, National Grid. The PSC approved a $5 billion expansion of fracked gas infrastructure in NYC and Long Island, increasing customers' bills by an average of $30 a month in 2024, with further increases in 2025 and 2026, totaling about $67 more per month to fund these environmentally detrimental projects.

Despite its intended role as an agency to monitor big utility corporations, protect the public and the environment, and ensure that no single company becomes too powerful and takes advantage of customers, the PSC has seemingly failed to uphold these responsibilities.

Current situation

Despite the PSC's rejection of our arguments, our fight in the rate case negotiations led to an agreement to include a discussion on the fate of the Greenpoint LNG depot in the deliberations on National Grid’s long-term plan. We need your help building the public record to support shutting down this toxic facility!

Tips to write your comment

Tips to write your comment to the Public Service Commission (PSC), which regulates the monopoly utilities under the direction of Governor Hochul. Subject: Case 24-G-0248 Comment on Long-Term Gas Plans National Grid NY

  1. Begin by introducing yourself, where you live, and why you do not want National Grid to plan for more fracked gas infrastructure in its 20-year-plan

  2. If you've received a very high gas bill this year, say how that has impacted you.

  3. If you or a loved one is impacted by fossil fuel pollution, mention that.

  4. You can copy and paste the talking points (below) or weave them into your own letter explaining why you oppose any consideration of burning more fracked gas in the next 20 years.

Points you can make in your comment:

New York State regulators must deny any plans to extend the lifespan of National Grid's fracked methane gas infrastructure. It is time for cleaner heat, lower bills, and to follow our climate justice laws.

1. Reject National Grid's Long-Term Gas Plan Proposal.

  • Reject the current plan and launch a new proceeding that acknowledges the seriousness and urgency of the climate crisis.

  • Require the new gas plan to address the need for gas reduction only

  • Recognize the company's failure to reduce gas as non-compliance with New York State laws and with the urgency of the moment

2. Prioritize safe and clean alternatives for heating and cooking.

  • To ensure customers stay warm in winter, prioritize alternative solutions such as thermal energy networks, electrification, and energy efficiency.

  • See Citation *1

3.  National Grid insists on prolonging the life of its fracked gas network, but the evidence supporting this claim is weak and unreliable.

  • Multiple independent consultants have thoroughly reviewed National Grid's gas demand claims over several years. These assessments have consistently found that the company's assertions regarding the necessity for additional gas infrastructure lack solid evidence and are unfounded.

  • See citations *2 *3 *4

4. National Grid's gas network perpetuates a racist legacy of polluting Black and Brown communities and contributing to the climate crisis.

  • National Grid's motivation to maintain and expand its gas business primarily benefits its corporate shareholders. This directly conflicts with our goals and commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prioritize harm reduction to Disadvantaged Communities.

  • Deny National Grid's claim for needing to prolong the life of its LNG depot in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, which is in a Disadvantaged Community and a floodplain.

  • Deny National Grid's claim for needing to expand and prolong the life of the Iroquois PIpeline 40-year-old 400+ mile pipeline in Greene and Dutchess Co to bring more toxic gas into Long Island and the Bronx.

  • See citations *5 * 6
